Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Guam Anti -Tourism Task Force: GAT2F

    The Guam Anti-Tourism Task Force or GAT2F, is up to its dastardly deeds again. The GAT2F's main purpose is to ensure that Guam is an unwelcoming tourist destination. The GAT2F is diligent in its efforts in seeking means to deter tourists from enjoying their stay on this tropical island. This Force makes it hard for tourists to visit our many beautiful sights by keeping our island as unkempt as possible. Litter is placed strategically in locations where it will be subliminally embedded into the minds of our visitors, and then later it conveniently reveals itself in the background of the many pictures tourists take. This litter has been ingeniously designed through vigorous research and developments in stealth technology to be highly unnoticeable to the local inhabitants of this island.
    Roads are constantly being built then torn up at specific grid coordinates by highly trained men and women in tactical teams throughout our island. They are under the guise of making  improvements to our roadways. However, as they leave the infiltrated areas the modified surface has complex multiple angles and varying degrees of heights specifically engineered to create a  diversion so as tourists drive by beautiful scenic areas, their eyes will be diverted away from the scenery to maintain control of their PRV (privately rented vehicle). This tactic also serves to keep the locals desensitized to the beauty of the island by evoking on them the same action designed for the tourists' distraction.
    The GAT2F also uses biological warfare tactics. They effectively and continuously contaminate our beaches and recreational waters with just enough raw sewage to create a situation where officials advise the general public. The GAT2F, however, manages to intercept and keep that kind of pertinent information away from Guam's visitors. When the tourists unknowingly frolic in the tainted beaches of paradise, they become sick in the latter part of their trip making it difficult for their officials to find the root cause. Locals on the other hand, have built up enough resistance to this bacteria that officials deem it unnecessary to remedy the situation. The GAT2F also implores urine stench technology at numerous tourists attractions and key areas such as Ypao bathrooms or Latte Stone Park caves.The sewage stench weapon is constantly being deployed in Tumon where tourists inhabit and reside
      The GAT2F's history to thwart Guam's tourism goes back a long way . The Natural Habitat Annihilation Division (NHAD), of the GAT2F,  successfully introduced very highly trained brown tree snakes to infiltrate and abolish the once many beautiful and indigenous birds who helped to pollinate Guam's flora, and provide ambiance with many different, beautiful, bird calls. Recently, the NHAD has  been able to send in the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle(CRB) in hopes to eradicate the abundant coconut trees on the island, which are a symbol recognized worldwide of a beautiful tropical destination. The NHAD has trained the CRB to covertly bore an inconspicuous small hole through the trunks of the trees so they can consume them from the inside out. When the trees die, they conveniently become the decay the CRB's juvenile grubs need to survive so the cycle continues. The CRB has been trained to conduct night air tactical maneuvers to infiltrate and breach unoccupied zones until their objective's are met.
      "Coqui frog found in shipment of plants" was the title of an article in the 12/12/09 Guam PDN. The NHAD has tried twice and failed in its mission to conduct a secret insertion of this invasive species of frog. Being only about the size of a quarter, this frog may someday be successfully  inserted under the protective camouflage of ornamental plants coming in from Hawaii. The NHAD has trained this particular frog in psychological operations(PSYOPS). Although small in stature, a single frog can sing at an astonishing 120 dB. That's 20 db louder than a jackhammer. The GAT2F hopes that it will reproduce in great numbers once it is here so that they can all conduct PSYOPS chirps simultaneously, thereby effectively causing sleep deprivation of the island's tourists.
     There have been other species that the GAT2F has introduced, like the worm that targets and consumes the island's Flame trees and the mud dauber wasps that build their nests anywhere and everywhere.
Sooner or later, the GAT2F will prevail in their diabolically relentless plan to drive tourists away from Guam.  When they succeed, the tourists will suffer the same fate as the Marianas Fruit dove and the Guam Flycatcher. Once they gone, they are gone forever.

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